by PeterMurtagh-user | May 12, 2023 | Blog
May 5th 2023, Hollywood. There’s all sorts of stuff rattling around my head as I turn off Route 1 heading north along the California coast and start cruising the Santa Monica Boulevard. Chiefly Ry Cooder and his cool but slightly edgy urban grime song Down in...
by PeterMurtagh-user | May 8, 2023 | Blog
After Tucson, I rode straight west towards San Diego, California, spending one night camping in Yuma which is on the border with Arizona. That evening, something happened that I believe is a regular occurrence there — a mighty sandstorm blew up from further...
by PeterMurtagh-user | May 4, 2023 | Blog
April 30th 2023, Tucson, Arizona. There’s a mountain that rises above Tucson, a little to the north and east of the Arizona city. It is called Mount Lemmon and, amazing to think of it as you swelter and bake in the heat of the city (it was 97 Fahrenheit, that is...
by PeterMurtagh-user | Apr 30, 2023 | Blog
April 30th 2023 in Tucson, Arizona. Between 80 and 100 gun dealers, gun makers, and sellers of anything and everything associated with firearms, old and new, laid out their wares inside Tucson’s Expo Centre at the weekend for the Arizona city’s annual Expo...
by PeterMurtagh-user | Apr 29, 2023 | Blog
April 25th 2023, El Paso. From a distance, it looks like a thin and very straight black line sitting on the horizon. On this side of it, the Texas side that is, the land is pancake flat farm land. On the other side, the Mexican side, the land is mostly scrub and rises...